20 August 2011

I can't explain why but my four children have turned into one (very responsible) seventh grader and three infants. Whatever the reason for the clinginess, I'm enjoying it while it lasts since it's not long until they're all begging me to drop them off half a mile from the mall.

During a recent stay of our beloved Natalie and her kids, Andrew had a sleepover with Tycen. The sisterwife overheard the following.

Andrew: "Where are we gonna sleep tonight?"
Tycen: "Dude. We can sleep with my mom. In her bed."

For the record Andrew poo-pooed that idea and they slept on the floor of the sisterwife's room.

ps- Natalie aren't you moving to Utah yet? Pretty please?

1 comment:

natalie said...

ha. I loved that line. I miss y'all already.

... Won't you move here instead? I promise you loves and free babysitting... It's tempting, right?